vendredi 10 février 2006
IE7 Vs. Everyone Else
InternetWeek : IE7 Vs. Everyone Else :
So which is the best? We’ve asked four of our best and most opinionated writers to review the latest version of their favorite browser, and try to convince the rest of us to use it as well. We’ve got Ed Bott supporting Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview For Windows XP, Scot Finnie advocating for Firefox 1.5, Dennis Fowler pushing Opera 8.5, and Ron White cheerleading for Maxthon 1.5.
However, just telling you about these four browsers isn’t enough – we’ve decided to both show and tell, by including a visual tour of each browser and a side-by-side comparison of four of the most popular features: tabs, RSS readers, search engines, and extensions/add-ons. At the end of it all, we’ll ask you to vote which one you think is best.