
Fanzine sur Mozilla et ses logiciels (Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, etc.) — Site indépendant depuis 1999

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mardi 28 février 2006

Pourquoi Minimo

Doug Turner qui développe le navigateur de Mozilla pour mobiles (notamment en collaboration avec une équipe de recherche américaine de France Télécom) explique ce qui fait la particularité de Minimo. Parmi les raisons invoquées :

Secondly, using Mozilla technology to build Minimo allowed us a rapidly build a robust application that runs across many different OS‘s. The staff (both paid for and volunteer) is very small. On the Windows CE port there has never been more then 2 people working full time on it. Think about this – we have gone from the TestGTKEmbed testing application to a fully-functional cross-platform mobile browser in about 1yr with less than 3 people. For a lot of this work, we were able to leverage work done in Firefox. This allowed the cost of development to be reasonable inexpensive. Another way of saying this is that developers can get a lot done with very limited resources.
